Why Scriptless testing is in trend?

Scriptless Test Automation enables testers and business users to automate test cases without worrying about the coding. It helps to achieve faster results and reduces the time expended to understand and develop the code leading to faster TTM higher ROI and increased coverage with low maintenance.

Testing in Machine Learning

Testing in Machine learning is way too different from the way we test software traditionally(functional tests regression tests etc.) where we check for actual vs expected behavior of any given application. In the ML world data sets with desired behavior are used to train the model(learn the logic) and we need to check if the trained model consistently provides us with the expected output.

Bug Advocacy-An Effective Way of Writing A BUG

The excellent bug report raises the issue and provides sufficient data for a good decision.The article describes why do programmers do not fix some bugs so how to report bugs accurately so that the reader understands the impact of the problem and takes up for fix.It describes RIMGEN a guide for how to investigate bugs and communicate better.It also describes about some good Bug reporting skills for a Tester to improve his credibility.

Where are the testers on the spectrum?

My thoughts on the concept of shift left in software testing. 1. Shift left simplistically applied to automating everything in sight is not an ideal solution. 2. Morphing all the diverse roles in software engineering to just have all programmers on team leads losing knowledge present with people who understand different facets of creating software. 3. Leaving testing to the end of a project is not a solution either.

Do Skills come with the Position?

It includes my observation regards to position in my career. You have to work on skills instead of chasing only a position without any effort. Sometimes people get a position but are unable to manage it due to skills and never try to overcome it and problems begin from here.

A path not taught

This article is about my unconventional path into software testing at the age of 50. I often see people asking if they are to old to learn to code to old to change careers. It is also about alternative career paths if you just graduated a coding Bootcamp giving people options that they may have never pursued.

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