Am I a QA engineer, QC engineer or software tester?

Many people think Quality assurance and Quality control are the same. also, they often use the phrase QA to refer to testing, but this isn't true. They are related and tightly linked, and it's very confusing to differentiate between QA, QC and testing and to identify each activity of them. Moreover, people in this domain sometime wonder about their job title:" am I a software tester, QA engineer or QC engineer ?" In this article, we will define each term and the difference between them, and by the end of it, you will be able to respond to this question.

Fresher to Seasoned: Things I wish I knew

As this new year dawned, I was reminiscing on the fact that I now had more than a decade worth of experience in the IT industry. Back when I started my career, I had a very strong notion of what a successful career would look like at the 10-year mark. As I look back, I can only shake my head at the simplicity and naivety of that idea. So, here are the things that I would tell the 21-year-old me as she started her career.

A Tester’s Expected Learning and Unexpected Challenges Voyage

The article is all about a Tester’s Expected Learning and Unexpected Challenges Voyage. Today I have been promoted to a Senior QA Engineer role in the firm I work. This made me recollect on my last 8 years of Testing journey and how I ended up in this role. So here I’m to share my lessons learned and at the same time showcase the challenges I faced in my career path.

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