How to test your binge-watching application?

A test plan outlines the approach for testing a specific feature before it is delivered to the customer. There are folks who take a different approach to creating test plans  depending on factors like business needs, based on automation frameworks available and the metrics to be measured. By considering Netflix subscription and cancellation as an example I am sharing my thought process for creating a test plan.

Demystifying Smart Selectors

The rise of test automation is being driven by a wide variety of technologies designed to make automation more robust and efficient. The term smart selector occurs repeatedly in this context. In this article, I take a look at the technology behind this term.

Do Testers read research papers?

“Do testers read research papers?” And “if yes, what type of research papers do they read?” “Why do they think it is important?” “why doesn't someone think it as important”, this article is based on few observations based on the responses of a LinkedIn post about testing and research papers.

How I break the shell with L.I.E.S

"Everyone knows better than me", "There may be tons of articles written on the same topic", "Will people read my article if I also write about the same".. Questions like these lead to writer's block. This article is a brief explanation on how I overcome writers block and those fears.

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