Classification of Software Bugs

When a bug is discovered and created, there are generally 2 fields: Severity and Priority. These 2 concepts are often confused. However, there are essential differences between them. In this article, we will define each term and its levels.

Am I a QA engineer, QC engineer or software tester?

Many people think Quality assurance and Quality control are the same. also, they often use the phrase QA to refer to testing, but this isn't true. They are related and tightly linked, and it's very confusing to differentiate between QA, QC and testing and to identify each activity of them. Moreover, people in this domain sometime wonder about their job title:" am I a software tester, QA engineer or QC engineer ?" In this article, we will define each term and the difference between them, and by the end of it, you will be able to respond to this question.

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